Camila Daniely Bodemer Silva, Priscila Maciel Carreta


apoio familiar e especializado, onde prioriza o acolhimento e a escuta deste indivíduo. Quando por fim há o reconhecimento das fases do luto, o indivíduo encaminha para um bom processo de restabelecimento diante das perdas sofridas.


Palavras-chave: Morte. Luto. Processo de luto.




Abstract: Mourning is described as a process by which all individuals will pass as the cycle of life passes causing distress, pain and suffering. Each individual experiences mourning in his own way, and the way how they experience and resolves, will depend on the type of mourning, its intensity and duration, as well as the affective bond that the mourner had with the deceased person, therefore, all went through the process of elaboration. In this way, the research sought an understanding of mourning as a process in its physical, emotional and social dimensions. It is a bibliographical review research, aiming to offer theoretical subsidies for the understanding of the mourning process, describing in this way the characteristics of mourning and presenting the phases of this process. Taking as reference the theoretical contributions of John Bowlby, using as method the data analysis and taking as approach the qualitative research. It is concluded that death and suffering are phenomena that are part of our life and when experiencing mourning, passes through great suffering and psychological, physiological and behavioral changes, as well as changes in the social context in which the mourner is inserted. The same goes through processes of denial, anger, depression, numbness and acceptance, making necessary the familiar and specialized support, where it prioritizes the reception and listening of this individual. When finally there is the recognition of the stages of mourning, the individual leads to a good process of recovery against the losses suffered.


Keywords: Death. Mourning. Process of mourning.


Morte. Luto. Processo de luto.

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